Position: Associate Professor
Degree: Ph.D. in Engineering Science
Контакти: shvedova_viktoriya@ukr.net, 0(44) 204-95-43
Personal page in the intellect.kpi.ua system
Victoriya Shvedova Associate Professor, Department of Information and Measurement Technologies, Instrument-Making Faculty, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky, Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Victoriya Shvedova is author of about 80 publications, including articles in professional journals, publications demolished in scientometric databases, patents, conference papers. In particular, he is a co-author of a textbook in two volumes “Fundamentals of Metrology and Measurement Technology” (authors: Tsidelko VD, Yaremchuk NA, Zatoka SA, Burchenkov GK, Shvedova VV, Stasevich V .A.), which received the stamp of the Ministry of Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine; distance courses “Metrology and Measurement”, “Fundamentals of Metrology and Measurement Technology” for students majoring in “Control Systems and Automation”, which were one of the first full-fledged distance courses developed at NTUU “KPI” in 2007 and 2008 .
In 2010 she defended her dissertation on “Information-measuring and algorithmic monitoring of automated testing systems in vocational education.”
Research interests and research:
- information technologies in metrology and measuring equipment;
- methodological approaches in the field of metrological supervision;
- information technologies in the field of education (distance learning, monitoring of automated testing systems, research in the field of pedagogical measurements).
At the Department of Information and Measurement Technologies teaches disciplines:
- Educational level bachelor: “Fundamentals of metrology and information-measuring equipment – 1. Fundamentals of metrology”, “Fundamentals of metrology and information-measuring equipment – 2. Information-measuring equipment and its characteristics”, “Fundamentals of control and technical diagnostics”, “Systems automatic control “,” Information technologies of remote access in metrology and measuring equipment “;
- Master’s degree: “Metrological support of information and measuring systems”, “Metrological support of calibration and testing laboratories”;
- prepares students for the defense of bachelor’s and master’s theses; prepares the graduate student for defense.
All disciplines taught are provided by distance courses posted on the website of the Ukrainian Institute of Information Technology in Education on the Sikorsky Distance Learning Platform: http://uiite.kpi.ua/distancijne-navchannya/
Topics of master’s dissertations and areas of research offered to students Topics of master’s dissertations cover issues of metrology and metrological support of measuring equipment; information technologies in metrology and measuring equipment; methodological approaches in the field of metrological supervision; information technologies in educational work (distance learning, monitoring of automated testing systems, research in the field of pedagogical measurements).
In particular, the work is aimed at solving such scientific problems as:
- Development of methodological support and creation of a software component for evaluation of metrological characteristics of measuring instruments of different types;
- Development and improvement of methods for calibration of measuring equipment in the selected field;
- Research of influence of exact characteristics of means of measuring equipment on procedures of control or testing of production, verification of means of measuring equipment;
- Development of methods and creation of a software component for processing measurement results taking into account modern approaches to assessing their accuracy (uncertainty of measurement results, accuracy and precision of measurement results) in various fields;
- Development of methods and creation of a software component in the field of pedagogical measurements.
From 2006 to 2011 he was the curator of the BB-91 group, in 2018/19 he was the curator of the PV-81 group, and from 2019 to the present he is the curator of the PV-91 group.
Since 2012 she has been responsible for methodological work, development of curricula and work curricula in the specialization “Metrology and Measurement Engineering”. Member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission on the specialty 152 Metrology and Information and Measurement Technology, is a member of the working group to develop the educational program “Information Measurement Technologies” on the specialty 152 Metrology and Information and Measurement Technology for educational and professional level bachelor.
Currently Viktoriya Shvedova expert of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.