Volodymyr Eremenko
Head of the Department
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Yulian Tuz
professor of the department
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Valerii Zdorenko
professor of the department
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Serhii Barylko
professor of the department
doctor of technical sciences

Sergiy Bogomazov
associate professor of the department
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Kostiantyn Bozhko
associate professor of the department
candidate of technical sciences

Maryna Dobrolyubova
associate professor of the department
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Maksym Markin
associate professor of the department
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Olha Markina
associate professor of the department
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Valentyn Mokiychuk
associate professor of the department
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Yuriy Samartsev
associate professor of the department
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Valentyn Sinitsa
associate professor of the department
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Yuriy Shumkov
associate professor of the department
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Olga Goda
Senior Lecturer of the Department
candidate of technical sciences

Hanna Dorozhynska
Assistant of the Department
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in specialty 152

Oleg Kozyr
associate professor of the department
candidate of technical sciences

Maria Morozova
Senior Lecturer of the Department
candidate of technical sciences

Svitlana Zatoka
Senior Lecturer of the Department

Anastasia Shcherban
Senior Lecturer of the Department
candidate of technical sciences