Переглядів: 171

Master admission

Department of Information and Measuring Technologies

conducts training of masters in the field of

15 – Automation and instrumentation


152 – Metrology and information-measuring equipment

according to the educational program:

If you want to continue your studies after receiving a bachelor’s degree, then you can enter the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” for the 1st year of master’s degree (5th year). You will get the next level of higher education – master’s degree.

When entering the master’s degree of the IWT department, you can get professional competencies and a master’s degree at the following levels of professional training:

  • “Master” term of study: 1 year 4 months, educational and professional program of master’s training; Qualification: Master of Metrology and Information and Measuring Equipment (eng. Master in Metrology and Information Technology).
  • “Master” term of study: 1 year 9 months, educational and scientific program of master’s training, qualification: Master of Metrology and Information and Measuring Equipment (eng. Master in Metrology and Information Technology).

If you enter the magistracy, you will need to pass a single entrance exam in a foreign language (EVI) in the form of external testing, and for this — to register for the EIT from May 11 to June 03 (until 18.00) and on June 30 to pass English, German, Spanish or French. This year, the only entrance exam in a foreign language must pass all entrants to the magistracy of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv National University. Igor Sikorsky without exception. The only entrance exam in a foreign language or simply EIT in a foreign language for admission to the magistracy will be conducted under the same program as for admission to the first year on the basis of complete general secondary education, except for parts “Written speech” and “Understanding speech by ear”. Entrants to the magistracy will consist only of parts “Reading” and “Using language”. This year, the result of the EVI 2020 and 2021 can be counted.

Attention! Additional entrance test for admission to the magistracy has been canceled!

Did you decide to change your specialty after receiving a bachelor’s degree? In connection with the amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” of December 18, 2019 and taking into account the epidemiological situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, an additional entrance test when entering the master’s degree program of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv National University. Igor Sikorsky in 2020 was canceled. But it is necessary to pass the entrance professional test.

Do you continue to study in the same specialty? Then you need to register for the EIT in a foreign language and pass an entrance professional test.

Documents for admission to the magistracy are submitted exclusively electronically. By state order, you can submit up to 5 applications, the number of applications for the funds of individuals and / or legal entities – a maximum of 30. In order to submit documents, you need to register an e-cabinet from July 1. Applications will be available from July 15 to July 23 inclusive. Entrance tests in the chosen speciality can be made from July 24 to July 30 inclusive in accordance with the schedule of attestation commissions. The schedule of the attestation commission and the schedule of entrance examinations will be posted on our website later!

List of documents for admission:

  • passport or other document certifying citizenship (original and copies);
  • bachelor’s degree (original and copies);
  • annex to bachelor’s degree (original and copies);
  • creative achievements, if any (scientific articles in the chosen specialty);
  • military document (for boys; original and copies);
  • identification code (original and copies);
  • four photos.

Copies are certified in the selection committees of faculties and institutes in the presence of the original. To submit documents in the selection committees, you need to leave copies of documents.

Attention! Since 2020, for the specialty 152 Metrology and information-measuring equipment, it is necessary to pass a single entrance exam in a foreign language in the format of EIT!!!

The main dates of the stages of master admission in 2020:

  • May 11 – June 03 (until 18:00) – Registration for EVI (online)
  • June 30 – Foreign language in EIT format (EVI)
  • 01 July – Start of registration of electronic cabinets
  • July 15 – 23 – Acceptance of applications and documents from entrants
  • 24 – 30 July – Professional entrance tests
  • no later than August 02 – Providing recommendations for enrollment by state order
  • 18:00 August 07 – The expiration of the deadline for entrants to fulfill the requirements for enrollment in places of state order
  • August 12 – Terms of enrollment of entrants by state order
  • 13:00 August 14 – The deadline for fulfilling the requirements for enrollment by entrants participating in the competitive selection to places financed at the expense of individuals and legal entities
  • no later than August 19 – Terms of enrollment of entrants at the expense of individuals and legal entities

Contest score

The competitive score (hereinafter KB) when entering for a master’s degree is calculated according to the formula:

KB = 0.25×P1 + 0.75×P2 + RA,

where P1 – assessment of the unified entrance exam in a foreign lan
guage, P2 – assessment of the professional entrance test (on a scale from 100 to 200 points), RA
– the numerical equivalent of the assessment of the academic rating of the entrant.

The academic rating of the RA entrant is calculated by the attestation commission on the basis of the appendix to the relevant diploma and the submitted documents on the creative achievements of the entrant according to the formula:

RA = 2RA + 2RT,

where: RA is an academic component
, RT is a component of creative achievements.

The component of creative achievements (RT) of the academic rating of the entrant is determined taking into account the level of effectiveness of the corresponding achievement and the number of these achievements.

* 1. If there are co-authors of a particular work, the rj weight factor is divided by their number.

2. Creative achievements are taken into account only if their subject corresponds to the specialty (educational program) to which the set is made (compliance is determined by attestation commissions of faculties / institutes and / or subcommissions in the relevant specialties (educational programs)).

The maximum number of points of creative achievements taken into account when determining the academic rating of the entrant is 5.