Department of Information and Measuring Technologies of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv National University. Igor Sikorsky invites you to study on a budgetary form of education!
Bachelor is an educational level of higher education of a person who, on the basis of complete general secondary education, received basic higher education, fundamental and special skills and knowledge about a generalized object of work (activity), sufficient to perform tasks and duties (works) of a certain level of professional activity, provided for primary positions in a certain type of economic activity.
There are budget places! Full-time and part-time form!
The Department of IWT trains specialists of the educational level "Bachelor" in specialty 152 – Metrology and information-measuring equipment, educational programs:

Term of study: 3 years 10 monthsQu
alification: Bachelor of information and measuring equipment.
List of competitive subjects for admission:
- Mathematics
- Ukrainian language
- Physics, or Foreign Language, or History of Ukraine, or Chemistry, or Geography, or Biology
It is possible to use EIT certificates 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Contest score
The maximum score is 200.
Entrants who have a competitive score of less than 125.0 to participate in the competitive selection for training for a bachelor's degree on the basis of complete general secondary education are not allowed.
To enter the first year for a bachelor's degree on the basis of complete general secondary education, the competitive score (KB) is calculated according to the formula KB:
KB formula
KB = (K1•P1 + K2•P2 + K3•P3 + Ksdp•SDP) • SC • GC,
- P1 – assessment of EIT in mathematics – K1 = 0,5;
- P2 – evaluation of EIT in Ukrainian language – K2 = 0,25;
- P3 – assessment of EIT in Physics, or Foreign language, or History of Ukraine, or Chemistry, or Geography, or Biology – K3 = 0.2;
- SPD – a score for the successful completion of the system of pre-university training;
- KSDp – spd score ratio = 0,05;
- SC – rural coefficient for school leavers in 2021, registered in rural areas = 1.05;
- GC – industry coefficient for applications with priority of 1 or 2 = 1.02;
- SE – specialties that are provided with special support (Annex 2 to the Admission Conditions).