Переглядів: 172

Admission to the 1st year (according to EIT certificates)

Department of Information and Measuring Technologies of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv National University. Igor Sikorsky invites you to study on a budgetary form of education!

Bachelor is an educational level of higher education of a person who, on the basis of complete general secondary education, received basic higher education, fundamental and special skills and knowledge about a generalized object of work (activity), sufficient to perform tasks and duties (works) of a certain level of professional activity, provided for primary positions in a certain type of economic activity.

There are budget places! Full-time and part-time form!

The Department of IWT trains specialists of the educational level "Bachelor" in specialty 152 – Metrology and information-measuring equipment, educational programs:

Introduction 2021 - Educational Program "Information Measuring Technologies"

Term of study: 3 years 10 monthsQu
alification: Bachelor of information and measuring equipment.

List of competitive subjects for admission:

  • Mathematics
  • Ukrainian language
  • Physics, or Foreign Language, or History of Ukraine, or Chemistry, or Geography, or Biology

It is possible to use EIT certificates 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Contest score

Evaluate the chances of admission – Calculate your competitive score for admission to the specialty 152 – Metrology and information and measuring equipment, instrumentation faculty, KPI them. Igor Sikorsky

The maximum score is 200.

Entrants who have a competitive score of less than 125.0 to participate in the competitive selection for training for a bachelor's degree on the basis of complete general secondary education are not allowed.

To enter the first year for a bachelor's degree on the basis of complete general secondary education, the competitive score (KB) is calculated according to the formula KB:

KB formula

KB = (K1•P1 + K2•P2 + K3•P3 + Ksdp•SDP) • SC • GC,

  • P1 – assessment of EIT in mathematics – K1 = 0,5;
  • P2 – evaluation of EIT in Ukrainian language – K2 = 0,25;
  • P3 – assessment of EIT in Physics, or Foreign language, or History of Ukraine, or Chemistry, or Geography, or Biology – K3 = 0.2;
  • SPD – a score for the successful completion of the system of pre-university training;
  • KSDp – spd score ratio = 0,05;
  • SC – rural coefficient for school leavers in 2021, registered in rural areas = 1.05;
  • GC – industry coefficient for applications with priority of 1 or 2 = 1.02;
  • SE – specialties that are provided with special support (Annex 2 to the Admission Conditions).

Evaluate the chances of admission – Calculate your competitive score for admission to the specialty 152 – Metrology and information and measuring equipment, instrumentation faculty, KPI them. Igor Sikorsky

Main dates of the admission campaign for 1 course

  • July 1 — the beginning of registration of electronic cabinets
  • July 14 – 23 — submission of applications and documents through the entrant's electronic cabinet
  • July 1 – 13 — terms of creative competitions, entrance tests
  • July 17 interviews
  • July 28 (12:00) the deadline for publication of the rating list of entrants indicating the recommended for enrollment to the places of state order
  • July 28 – August 02 (18:00) — entrants fulfill the requirements for enrollment in places of state order (submission of documents for enrollment on the budget)
  • August 09 — enrollment of entrants to the budget
  • July 28 – August 12 (17:00) — fulfillment of the requirements for enrollment by entrants participating in the competitive selection to places financed at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities
  • until August 14 — enrollment of entrants to the contract
