Methods for improving the accuracy of measuring devices
The head of the scientific school at the present time is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Information and Measuring Technologies, Laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology of Ukraine, “Outstanding Figure of NTUU “KPI”, Tuz Julian Mikhailovich.
Tuz Julian Mykhailovych (b. 1934) – recognized in Ukraine and abroad scientist in the field of measuring equipment, automation of scientific research, methods of improving the accuracy of measuring instruments and systems. Head of the Department of Automation of Experimental Research (1978) and the Research Institute of the same name (1994). Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Appliances and Computer Science (1975-1984). Tuz Yu.M. prepared 33 candidates and 3 doctors of technical sciences. It has more than 100 inventions and patents, including great Britain, Germany, Sweden, and Hungary. He published more than 400 scientific works, including 15 monographs and manuals, including “Structural methods of teaching the accuracy of the esterite devices”, “Management and planing of the working experiment”, “Automation of the projecting of the energy system”.
A brief history of the scientific school: founder, years of formation, branch of science, type of research, chronology of development, recognition at the international level, staff of the school, representatives of the school of different generations, etc.
Scientific school “Methods of improving the accuracy of measuring devices” was created in the 70s of the last century at the Faculty of Automation and Instrumentation of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. The founders of the school are Ph.D., Prof., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Academy of Ukraine Nosterenko Anatoliy Dmytrovych and Prof., Ph.D. Pyotr Ornatsky, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine.
Nosterenko Anatoly Dmitrievich (1899-1975) – a famous Soviet and Ukrainian scientist, launched research in the field of electrical engineering at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (KPI). With his participation in experimental workshops kpi in the early 30’s of the last century were made the first electrical measuring devices. In November 1945 in KPI was organized department of electrical instrumentation (later department of information and measuring equipment), headed by A.D.Nesterenko. Under his leadership, 6 candidate and one doctoral dissertation were defended. In 1954, a well-known monograph “Fundamentals of electrification schemes of ravnoveshivaniya” (40 p.l.) was published and together with Ornathsky P.P. the first edition of the textbook “Detail and Uzlyborov”.
Pyotr Ornatsky (1917-1990) – Soviet and Ukrainian specialist in metrology and measuring equipment, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1967). Head of the Department of Information and Measuring Equipment NTUU “KPI” (1956-1984), published more than 300 works including well-known textbooks “Details and evils of the frontiers”, “Automatic moderation and curbs”, “Theoretic bases of information and eroding technicians”, which have been repeatedly republished. including abroad. He trained more than 50 candidates and 6 doctors of technical sciences.
The development of the scientific school gave the basis for the creation of scientific educational specialization “Automation of scientific research and complex tests of new technology”, which since 1978 was founded in Kyiv, Moscow, Leningrad, Kuybyshev.
In the same year, the Department of Automation of Experimental Research was created in the KPI, which is invariably headed by Professor Tuz Yu.M. Later, the name of the specialty was transformed into the specialty “Information and Measurement Systems” within the framework of direction 051001 “Metrology and Information and Measuring Technologies”, according to which 23 specialists of 23 departments were graduated in Ukraine. The chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Commission was Professor Tuz Yu.M. Since 2016, the field of knowledge, to which the scientific school belongs, is Automation and instrumentation, specialty – Metrology and information and measuring equipment.
The school has the character of fundamental and applied research. The activity of the scientific team of the school extends to the research, development and implementation of measuring instruments and automated systems of scientific research and control and testing on the basis of structural and algorithmic methods for improving accuracy.
The main scientific directions of the school:
- methods and means of increasing the accuracy of AC voltage measurement;
- methods of reproduction of alternating current voltage unit;
- metrological support of systems and complexes;
- methods and systems of control and diagnostics;
- stimulation of oil and gas well productivity;
- methods and software in information technologies;
- digital signal processing;
- investigation of stability of measuring equipment components;
- methods of non-destructive testing.
Over the period of the school’s existence, more than 100 candidates and 16 doctors of technical sciences have been trained.
During the period of existence of the scientific team of the school, the theory of structural methods of increasing accuracy was created, generalized achievements in this direction, existing and new algorithms for correction of error correction were summarized, the effectiveness of correction of systematic and random error correction was investigated. On this basis, almost all high-precision broadband, sensitive AC voltmeters were created and implemented, ranging from B3-20 to B3-59 and VK3-66, produced in Kyiv, Tallinn, Omsk, Zhytomyr in large batches. The greatest achievement is the creation of an AC voltage reference from 0.1 V to 1000 V in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 30 MHz (VVETU 08-07-01-09), which exceeds the range of frequencies and levels of references of leading countries. Technological control systems have been created.
The popularity of the scientific school at the international level is determined by the establishment of creative connections with the Physical and Technical Service of Germany (RTV), the National Institute of Standards and Technologies of the United States (NIST), leading Universities of Germany, Italy, Poland, Canada, the National Center “Institute of Metrology” of Ukraine, institutes of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine. As a result of the development of the military standard of AC voltage, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine issued a certificate that NTUU “KPI” is a product developer for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The international recognition of the scientific school is the winning of the competition within the framework of the STRC projects, orders from foreign partners from China, Lithuania, Germany, Russia, invitations for lectures and presentation of scientific papers in Germany, Italy, France, the USA, Canada, Bulgaria, Poland, China, Russia and Cuba.
Today, 3 professors, Ph.D., work in the field of scientific school at the department of AED, 5 associate professors, Ph.D., 1 tbsp, 1 assistant and engineers of the department.
Famous representatives of the scientific school of different generations are:
- older generation: Ph.D., Prof. Tuz Yu.M., Ph.D., Prof. Volodarsky E.T., Ph.D., Prof. Gubar V.I., Ph.D., Prof. Litvih V.V., Ph.D., Prof. Tsidelko V.Dr., Ph.D., Prof. Mejewski S.M.;
- middle generation: Ph.D., Prof. Shevchenko K.L., Ph.D., Assoc. Samartsev Yu.M., Ph.D., Assoc. Shumkov Yu.S., Ph.D., Assoc. Dobrolyubova M.V., Ph.D. O.P. Kraskovsky, Ph.D., Assoc. Bogomazov S.And.
- younger generation: Ph.D., Assoc. Chantyr D.S., Ph.D., Art. Off. Chantyr A.S., ass. Kozyr O.In.
- employees of other institutions: Shkabana M.C. (USSR, Minister of PSASU), Volhyn L.And. (Russia), Juan Ledon Diaz (Cuba), Boychev Zhechko Boychev (Bulgaria), Yeger G. (Germany), A.Olenski (Poland), Kondrashov S.And. Hood B.Etc. Burbela M.And. Kucheruk V.Y. (Ukraine).