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Markin Maksym is an academic and researcher in the field of information measurement technolog and computer science. He is currently affiliated with the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.
Maksym’s research interests include computational intelligence, machine learning, and data mining. He has published numerous papers in top-tier international journals and conferences, and has also served as a reviewer for several leading journals in his field.
In addition to his research, Maksym is also involved in teaching and mentoring students. He has taught a variety of courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and has supervised several student projects and theses.
Overall, Markin Maksym is a highly accomplished and respected researcher and educator in the field of Information and measurement technology and computer science, with a strong track record of contributions to the academic community.
Research and articles
- Markin, M.O. Multispectral television devices for monitoring high-temperature technologies / M.O.Markin, G.M.Zgurovsky, V.A.Porev, E.O.Belorusov, I.V.Boyko // East European Journal of Advanced Technologies – 2006 – No. 4/2 (22) – P. 24-26.
- Markin M.O. Influence of the equivalent wavelength on the accuracy of the bispectral television pyrometer / M.O.Markin, V.A.Porev, O.M.Markina // Scientific works of DonNTU, Series “Computer Science and Automation.” – 2007. – Issue 14 (129). – P. 196-200.
- Markin M.O. Estimation of measurement error of geometric parameters by means of television information and measuring systems / M.O. Markin, O.M. Markina // Bulletin of NTUU “KPI”. Series of Instrumentation, – 2009. – Issue 38. – P. 102-106.
- Markin M.O. Bispectral television device for monitoring high-temperature technologies / M.O.Markin, V.A.Porev // Methods and devices of quality control. – 2009. – №23. – P. 102-105.
- Markin M.O. Temperature measurement errors in bispectral pyrometry / M.O.Markin, V.A.Porev // Scientific works of DonNTU, Series “Computer Science and Automation”, – 2010. – Issue 20 (135), – P. 199-205.
- Markin M.O. Increasing the accuracy of measuring the linear parameters of temperature fragments of the melting zone / M.O.Markin, O.M.Markina, A.M.Dragan // East European Journal of Advanced Technologies – 2011 – No. 4/9 (52) – P. 41-44.
- Markin M.A. Specifics of the software development for building and modeling the peer-to-peer networks with information technologies / G.V.Poryev, M.A.Markin, Yu.A.Aginsky // Nauka i studia. – 2013. – NR7 (75) 2013. – P. 78-87.
- Markin M.A. Television Pyrometry Improvement / M.A.Markin // Nauka i studia. – 2013. – NR7 (75) 2013. – P. 88-93.
- Markin M.A. Determination of geometric dimensions of micro-objects by means of television measuring systems / M.A.Markin, O.M.Markina, Y.A.Aginsky // Bulletin of NTUU “KPI”. Series of Instrumentation, – 2013. – Issue 46. – P. 64-70.
- Markin M.O. Formation of the measuring signal in bispectral pyrometry / M.O.Markin // East European Journal of Advanced Technologies – 2014 – №1/5 (67). – P. 12-16.
- Markin M.A. Television Pyrometry Improvement / M.A.Markin // Technological audit and production reserves. – 2014. №3/4 (17). – С. 30-33.
- Markin M.A. Algorithms for improving the images of objects in the infrared range / M.A.Markin, O.M.Markina // Bulletin of the National Technical University “KhPI” – 2014. – № 26 (1069) 2014. – P. 161-167.
- Markin M.O. Comparative analysis of the method of “integrating sphere” and goniometric method of determining the luminous flux / M.O. Markin, Y.Y. Kovtun, V.I. Kornaga, A.V. Rybalochka, Y.A. Aginsky // Bulletin of NTUU “KPI”. Series of Instrumentation, – 2014. – Vol. 47(1). – P. 102-111.
- Markin M.O. Linearity range of a bispectral television pyrometer / M.O. Markin // Collection of scientific papers of the National Mining University. – 2015. No. 2 (146). – P. 104-108. (http://nvngu.in.ua/index.php/ru/ component/jdownloads/summary/53-02/8300-2015-02-markin).
- Markin M.O. Control of the geometric dimensions of probes for atomic force microscopy by an information and measuring system / M.O. Markin, S.M. Kushchovyi, O.M. Markina, K.O. Butenko // Bulletin of the National Technical University “KhPI”. Series: Mechanical and technological systems and complexes. – 2017. Vol. 50. – P. 90-94. (http://mtsc.khpi.edu.ua/article/view/99893)
- Markin M.O. Measurement of Temperature of Molten Zone at the Directional Crystallization of Blades of the Gas-Turbine Engine / M. O. Markin, S. M. Kushchovyi, O. M. Markina // Uspehi Fiziki Metalov. – 2017. Vol. 18, PP. 141-154. (http://ufm.imp.kiev.ua/en/browse.html). Scopus.
- Markin M.O. Thermographic research CMOS-matrix CAM OLTEC LC-144P / M. O. Markin, M. V. Myronchuk, O. M. Markina // Scientific discussion (Praha, Czech Rep.). – 2017. VOL 1, No. 8 (2017). – PP. 42-46.
- Markin M.O. Detection of Defects Adhesive Joints Optical Components / M. O. Markin, K. V. Bondar, O. M. Markina // Scientific discussion (Praha, Czech Rep.). – 2017. VOL 1, No. 8 (2017). – PP. 77-81.
- Olga M. Markina, Maksym O. Markin, Maryna V. Filippova, Damian Harasim, Kanat Mussabekov, Azamat Annabayev, “The peculiarity of the construction of an optical-electronic system for measuring geometrical parameters of objects in the micrometer range”, Proc. SPIE 10445, Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2017, 104456B (August 7, 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2280987; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2280987. Scopus.
- Markin M.O. Perspectives of Using Television Information-Measuring Systems // N.M.Zashchepkina, M.O.Markin, O.A.Nakonechnyi // Modern Achievements of Science and Education: Proceedings of the XIII International Scientific Conference. Sept. 6-13, 2018. – Netanya, Israel. – PP. 115-119.
- Markin, M. MULTISPECTRAL PYROMETER / M.O.Markin, O.V.Yablunisky // Proceedings of the XII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “A Look into the Future of Instrumentation”.
- Markin, M.O. INFORMATION AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEM OF ECOLOGICAL MONITORING WITH POST-IMAGE PROCESSING / M.O. Markin, O.V. Kolyada // Proceedings of the XII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “Look into the Future of Instrumentation”. Practical Conf. of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “A Look into the Future of Instrumentation”, May 15-16, 2019 – K.: PBF, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Center for Educational Literature. – 2019. – P. 259-262.
- Markin M.O. Modern methods of examination of sunflower oil in the technological process of vinification / N.M. Zaschepkina, M.O. Markin, V.V. Taranov, O.A. Nakonechnyi // Applied issues of mathematical modeling. – 2019. – №3. – P. 49-61.
- N.M. Zashchepkina, V.G. Zdorenko, N.R. Tierentyeva, O.M. Markina, M.O. Markin, K.M. Bozhko / Ultrasonic method of quality control for textile materials / Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 2019, 1-2(97) pp. 39-49. https://archivesmse.org/resources/html/article/details?id=190363 [Scopus].
- K.M. Bozhko, N.M. Zashchepkina, M.O. Markin, O.M. Markina Single-pulse method for measuring the current-voltage characteristics of solar panels / Archives of Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 99, Is. 2019 1-2. – PP. 24-29. https://archivesmse.org/resources/html/article/details?id=195072 [Scopus].
- N.M. Zashchepkina, V.G. Zdorenko, M.O. Markin, S.V. Barilko, D.O. Shipko. Contactless ultrasonic method for determining knitted fabrics tension / Archives of Materials Science and Engineering. – 2022. Vol. 112, Is. 1. May 2022. – PP. 13-24. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0016.0286 [Scopus].
- B.I. Basok, O.M. Nedbailo, K.M. Bozhko, I.K. Bozhko, M.O. Markin, O.M. Markina, V.O. Marteniuk. Experimental studies of the thermal regime of the premise while using heating ceramic panels / Archives of Materials Science and Engineering. – 2023. 124 (2). DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0054.3234 [Scopus Q3]. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0054.3234.
- Markin M.O. Overview of automated healthcare systems / M. Kravets, E. Batrak, N. Tsyopa, M. Markin // Adaptive systems of automatic control. – 2024. – No. 1. – P. 16-23. https://doi.org/10.20535/1560-8956.44.2024.302195.