Educational program:
has its own website: https://ivstem.kpi.ua
Our goal is clean earth, clean air, clean water
Our work is environmental control
Educational levels:
- "Bachelor" (admission on the basis of EIT), term of study: 3 years 10 months, qualification: Bachelor of Metrology and Information and Measuring Equipment.
- "Bachelor" (admission basis of the diploma of junior specialist), term of study: 2 years 10 months, qualification: Bachelor of Metrology and Information and Measuring Equipment.
- "Master" term of study: 1 year 4 months, educational and professional program of master's training, qualification: Master of Metrology and Information and Measuring Equipment.
- "Master" term of study: 1 year 9 months, educational and scientific program of master's training, qualification: Master of Metrology and Information and Measuring Equipment.
- "Doctor of Philosophy" (postgraduate study), term of study: 4 years, qualification: Doctor of Philosophy in Metrology and Information and Measuring Equipment.
Why environmental safety?
Today there is no objection that man-made civilization destroys the biosphere of the planet and threatens not only human health, but also the very existence of humanity, which will lead to an environmental catastrophe.
At the same time, the main source of reliable information on the state of the environment, and therefore the most effective tool for influencing the public consciousness, are information measuring technologies in environmental safety and environmental monitoring.
Environmental monitoring is a continuous control of changes in the parameters of the ecosystem, their comparison and comparison with values that are considered favorable for the evolutionary development of mankind.
Employment places of our graduates
In Ukraine, there is an urgent need for specialists who are guided in the latest areas of information and information and measurement technologies, understand environmental problems, the causes of their occurrence and possible consequences.
Our graduates work as civil servants in public administrations of environmental protection, in state environmental inspections in each region and in the city. Kyiv, enterprises of any profile, in the centers of standardization and metrology, institutes, design bureaus engaged in the development and production of electronic equipment for various purposes.
Graduates of the department also work in the field of computer systems for data collection and processing, research, forecasting, control, testing of objects and processes in various fields of industry, in departments and laboratories for environmental monitoring, metrology, standardization, certification and quality control of products, in environmental authorities throughout Ukraine and around the world.
A specialist in information measuring technologies of environmental safety will never be left without work!
The concept of training specialists
The concept is aimed at solving the problems of control of ecosystem parameters: working area, recreational area, residential areas, and is focused on providing real prospects for the use of the knowledge gained in modern conditions.
Students use Microsft Windows 10, Gentoo GNU/Linux, OpenWRT, ASM, C/C++, C#, NET, PHP, Python, Bash, HTML, CSS, JScript.
Students study information and measuring technologies of environmental safety, which are based on modern solutions of computer networks.
The department has an information technology laboratory – students have the opportunity to use modern office packages of programs: OpenOffice, LibreOffice, MicrosoftOffice, graphic packages: Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, Photoshop and automated design systems (CAD): AutoCAD, AutoDesk Inventor, SolidWorks, AutoDesk Fusion, etc.
The basis of the professional component are academic disciplines:
- Computer engineering
- Programming (C#, Python)
- Computer technologies
- Information and intelligent technologies
- Information and measurement systems on CCD (CCD)
- Information and measuring technologies for determining and controlling the properties of materials
- Automated instrumentation design systems (Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Fusion, SolidWorks)
- Internet Technologies
- Computer graphics
- Environmental safety and audit
- Information security technologies
- Nanomaterials and nanotechnology
- Geoinformation technologies
- Analytical ecological devices
The department is equipped with modern educational and scientific laboratories:
- Laboratory of Information Technologies of Environmental Safety
- Laboratory of Electronics and CircuitRy
- Laboratory of Photowultics and Digital Electronics
- Laboratory of Information Technologies
- Laboratory of Information Measuring Technologies
- Laboratory of information measuring technologies for determination and control of properties of materials
There is a circle "Internet technologies of the future", in which students consider the functioning of the IOT (Internet of Things) and the problem of switching networks from IPv4 to IPv6.
There is an opportunity for internships and work in Europe and in the USA!
Students live in modern dormitories, have the opportunity to play sports, participate in cultural programs of life of the university! More