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Metrology and measuring equipment

Teachers of the educational program "Metrology and Measuring Equipment" have many years of experience in training qualified specialists in the development and operation of experimental computer science and metrology from measuring instruments to the most complex information and measurement systems and measuring and computing complexes, the development of measuring channels and intelligent measuring equipment, automated control systems and certification of products.

Metrology is a science of measurement, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the necessary accuracy. Metrology is a science that allows you to obtain quantitative and qualitative information through research. Preparation is carried out for full-time and part-time education. For those who have not scored enough points in the competition, it is proposed to start training on a contractual basis with the opportunity to move to a budget place (when studying for two semesters without "triples"). After receiving a bachelor's degree, a student can enter on a competitive basis for studying for a master's degree (while studying successes in previous years are taken into account – the average score). A master's degree specialist acquires special skills and knowledge to perform research, pedagogical, managerial and innovative functions and can continue his postgraduate studies to defend his Ph.D. thesis.

Training of students

It is known that a high level and quality of life is achieved by improving the quality of the product produced by man. In turn, the improvement of the quality of the product is carried out through the use of the latest scientific knowledge embodied in certain technologies.

OP students receive fundamental mathematical, engineering and professional training, master the skills of professional use of computer equipment (from computers to super computers and computer networks), at a high level have the latest information technologies.Students acquire knowledge of computer science and computer networks.

  • metrology and measuring equipment;
  • electronics, microprocessor, measuring and computer equipment;
  • computer modeling of objects and processes, computer design of technical systems;
  • hardware and software for researching objects and systems;
  • basics of development, manufacture and use of measuring instruments;
  • work with the main means of computer information processing, development of applied algorithmic and computer systems software (Ms Office, FreeBSD, Pascal, Delphi, C/C++, C#, Java, Assembler, Mathematica Matlab, Math CAD, LAB View and others).

The demand for graduates of the educational program is increasing due to the wide use of information and measuring equipment in the services of the defense complex of Ukraine and specialized structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs / Ministry of Defense. We train software development specialists in modern object-oriented programming languages for information and measurement complexes. Specialization training allows working as a research engineer in laboratories of electrical, electromagnetic measurements and other related areas, engineer for setting up measuring equipment, departments and laboratories on metrology, standardization, certification and quality control of products, in laboratories and design bureaus related to the design of new information and measuring equipment, with the introduction of the latest information technologies in metrological activity.