Position: associate professor
Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Academic rank: associate professor
Contacts: kpi_naeps@ukr.net, 0(44) 204-85-03
In 2006, she graduated from the Faculty of Instrumentation of the National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” with a degree in Precision Mechanics Instruments and received a Master’s degree in Instrumentation. From 2007 to 2010, she studied at the postgraduate program of NTUU “KPI”.
After graduation, she worked as a design engineer at the Luch Design Bureau.
He has been working at the Department of NAEPC of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute since 2006. He is responsible for undergraduate and research practice of students and pedagogical practice of graduate students. He teaches the following disciplines: “Theory of Automatic Control”, “Instrument Design”, “Fundamentals of CAD”, “Information and Measuring Systems on CCD”.
Research interests: information and measurement systems, television information and measurement systems.
Olga Markina is:
- winner of the scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (2016 – 2018);
- Winner of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute competition in the nomination “Young Lecturer-Researcher – 2015”;
- the winner of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute competition in the nomination “Young Lecturer-Researcher – 2016”;
- the winner of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute competition in the nomination “Young Lecturer-Researcher – 2017”.
Author of more than 60 scientific publications, 14 patents of Ukraine and two monographs.
- Markina O.M. Influence of the equivalent wavelength on the accuracy of the bispectral television pyrometer / M.O.Markin, V.A.Porev, O.M.Markina // Scientific works of DonNTU, Series “Computer Science and Automation.” – 2007. – Issue 14 (129). – P. 196-200.
- Markina O.M. Estimation of measurement error of geometric parameters by means of television information and measuring systems / M.O.Markin, O.M.Markina // Bulletin of NTUU “KPI”. Series of Instrumentation, – 2009. – Issue 38. – P. 102-106.
- Markina O.M. Increasing the accuracy of measurement of linear parameters of temperature fragments of the melting zone / M.O.Markin, O.M.Markina, A.M.Dragan // East European Journal of Advanced Technologies – 2011 – No. 4/9 (52) – P. 41-44.
- Markina O.M. Measurement of linear dimensions by means of television information and measuring systems / O.M.Markina, V.A.Porev, Y.A.Aginsky // East European Journal of Advanced Technologies. 2013 – №2/10 (62) – P. 59-62.
- Markina O.M. Determination of geometric dimensions of micro-objects by means of television measuring systems / M.O.Markin, O.M.Markina, Y.A.Aginsky // Bulletin of NTUU “KPI”. Series of Instrumentation, – 2013. – Issue 46. – P. 64-70.
- Markina O.M. Algorithms for improving images of objects in the infrared range / M.O.Markin, O.M.Markina // Bulletin of NTU “KPI” – 2014. – Issue 46. – P. 64-70.
- Markina O.M. / Thermographic study of a television video camera with a CCD matrix / Markina O.M., Dunayevsky V.I., Maslov V.P., Kachur N.V. // Sensor Electronics and Microsystem Technologies. – 2014 – Vol. 11, Issue 4. – 103-108 P.
- Markina O.M. Influence of the object’s surface on the measurement of geometric dimensions by digital optical microscopy / Markina O.M., Syngaevska O.I., Maslov V.P., Kachur N.V. // East European Journal of Advanced Technologies. – 2014. vol. 6/5 (72). – P. 59-64.
- Markina O.M. Development of an integrated control system for topological elements of optical scales and grids / Gordienko V.I., Kachur N.V., Maslov V.P. // Technological audit and production reserves № 3 (23) 2015, pp.
- Breus O., Maslov V., Markina O., Kachur N., Gordienko V. THERMAL EFFECT OF SELF-HEATING OBSERVED IN OPERATING CCD MATRIX OF DIGITAL CAMERA / Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology // Volume 2, Issue 6, June – 2015, pp 1351 – 1354.
- Markina O.N. Study of the features of the use of halogen lamps JC in the television measuring system / Assembly in mechanical engineering, instrumentation, – 2015. – Issue 5 (178). – pp. 6-8.
- Markina O.M. Control of geometric dimensions of probes for atomic force microscopy by an information and measuring system / M. O. Markin, S. M. Kushchovyi, O. M. Markina, K. O. Butenko // Bulletin of the National Technical University “KhPI”. Series: Mechanical and technological systems and complexes. – 2017. Vol. 50. – P. 90-94. (http://mtsc.khpi.edu.ua/article/view/99893)
- O. Markina. Measurement of Temperature of the Molten Zone at the Directional Crystallization of Blades of the Gas-Turbine Engine / M. O. Markin, S. M. Kushchovyi, O. M. Markina // Uspehi Fiziki Metalov. – 2017. Vol. 18, PP. 141-154. (http://ufm.imp.kiev.ua/en/browse.html)
- O. Markina. Lighting setting features of opto-electronic measuring system for controlling adhesive joints optical components // Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering. – October 2017. Volume 84, Issue 2 PP. 49-57.
- Olga M. Markina, Maksym O. Markin, Maryna V. Filippova, Damian Harasim, Kanat Mussabekov, Azamat Annabayev, “The peculiarity of the construction of an optical-electronic system for measuring geometrical parameters of objects in the micrometer range”, Proc. SPIE 10445, Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2017, 104456B (August 7, 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2280987; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2280987.
- Markina O. Thermographic research of CMOS-matrix CAM OLTEC LC-144P / M. O. Markin, M. V. Myronchuk, O. M. Markina // Scientific discussion (Praha, Czech Rep.) – 2017. VOL 1, No. 8 (2017). – PP. 42-46.
- Markina O. Detection of Defects Adhesive Joints Optical Components / M. O. Markin, K. V. Bondar, O. M. Markina // Scientific discussion (Praha, Czech Rep.). – 2017. VOL 1, No. 8 (2017). – PP. 77-81.
- Markina O.M. Lighting setting features of opto-electronic measuring system for controlling adhesive joints optical components // journal of achievements in materials and Manufacturing Engineering/ 2017. VOL 84, Issue 2 October 2017. – PP. 49-57.
- Olga M. Markina. Influence of Temperature on the Measuring Accuracy of Devices Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Phenomenon / Hanna V. Dorozinska, Tatyana A. Turu, Olga M. Markina, Glib V. Dorozinsky, Volodymyr P. Maslov // Modern Instrumentation 2018 Vol.7 PP.1-10. (Modern Instrumentation Vol.07 No.01(2018), Article ID:82005,10 pages 10.4236/mi.2018.71001 http://www.scirp.org/journal/mi/).
- Markina O.M. Improving the image quality indicator of optical-electronic measuring systems / O. M. Markina, V. A. Naboka // Danish Scientific Journal. – 2018. Vol.2, No.18/2018. – PP. 57-60. (http://www.danish-journal.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/DSJ_18_2.pdf#page=57)
- Markina O.M. Method Of Determining The Authenticity Of Paper Money Using Matrix Active Pixel Sensor / O. M. Markina, D. V. Luienko // Danish Scientific Journal. – 2018. Vol.2, No.18/2018. – PP. 44-49. (http://www.danish-journal.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/DSJ_18_2.pdf#page=44)
- Markina O.M. Research of illuminating parameters of halogen-filled and LED lamp for optoelectronic measuring system / O. M. Markina, M. O. Tykhan // Archives of Materials Science and Engineering. – 2018. Vol. 94, Is. 1. – PP. 18-26. (https://archivesmse.org/resources/html/article/details?id=183221).
- Markina O.M. Construction and investigation of a method for measuring the non-stationary pressure using a wavelet transform / Myroslav Tykhan, Taras Repetylo, Serhii Kliuchkovskyi, Olha Markina // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2019. Vol. 1, Is. 5 (97). – PP. 28-34. http://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/156959/157237
- V.Yu. Larin1, V.M. Ryzhykh, A.P. Shcherban, O.M. Markina, V.P. Maslov, N.V. Kachur / Use of the infrared thermography method to develop discharging rules for lithium polymer batteries / Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 22 (2), P. 252-256 (2019) http://journal-spqeo.org.ua/n2_2019/v22n2-p252-256.pdf
- N.M. Zashchepkina, V.G. Zdorenko, N.R. Tierentyeva, O.M. Markina, M.O. Markin, K.M. Bozhko / Ultrasonic method of quality control for textile materials / Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 2019, 1-2(97) pp. 39-49. https://archivesmse.org/resources/html/article/details?id=190363
- R. Deyneka, M. Tykhan, O. Markina Non-destructive testing of ferromagnetic materials using hand inductive sensor/ Archives of Materials Science and Engineering. – 2019. Vol. 98, Is. 1. – PP. 32-41. https://archivesmse.org/resources/html/article/details?id=191153
- K.M. Bozhko , N.M. Zashchepkina , M.O. Markin , O.M. Markina Single-pulse method for measuring the current-voltage characteristics of solar panels / Archives of Materials Science and Engineering. – 2019. Vol. 99, Is. 2019 1-2. – PP. 24-29. https://archivesmse.org/resources/html/article/details?id=195072
- Zashchepkina, N.M., Zdorenko, V.G., Sebko, V., Markina, O.M. Identification of the eddy current method features in the implementation of computer simulation algorithms for controlling the characteristics of the food production equipment parts / Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering . – 2019. Vol. 97, Is. 1. – PP. 31-40. https://journalamme.org/resources/html/article/details?id=198007
- O. Markina, M. Tykhan, I. Dilay, V. Markovych Investigation of thermomechanical processes in miniature membrane elastic elements / Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering. – 2020. Vol. 98, Is. 1. – PP. 24-31. https://journalamme.org/resources/html/article/details?id=203011
- Ye.V. Pyrozhenko, V.V. Sebko, V.G. Zdorenko, N.M. Zashchepkina , O.M. Markina Informative testing method of beer sewage samples for mini-breweries / Journal of Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 2020; 1 (106): 28-41 https://archivesmse.org/resources/html/article/details?id=211231&language=en
- R.V. Zinko, A.P. Kutrakov, S.V. Shybanov, N.M. Zashchepkina, O.M. Markina Active system for reduction of noise parameters of car muffler with the use of pressure sensors based on silicon microcrystals / Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 2021, 1(109) pp. 35-41. (SCOPUS) https://archivesmse.org/resources/html/article/details?id=218153
- Zaschepkina N. M., Rudnytskyi R. R., Nakonechnyi O. A., Markina O. M. Application of data aggregation methods in the information system of educational process control / International Scientific and Technical Journal “Measuring and Computing Technology in Technological Processes” Khmelnytskyi 2021, No. 2, pp. 12-20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31891/2219-9365-2021-68-2-2.
- V.V. Sebko, Ye.V. Pyrozhenko, N.M. Zashchepkina, V.G. Zdorenko, O.M. Markina Four-parameter electromagnetic method for determining the parameters of brewery effluents / Journal of Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 2022; 113 (2): 49-64 (SCOPUS) https://journalamme.org/resources/html/article/details?id=233790
- B.I. Basok, O.M. Nedbailo, K.M. Bozhko, I.K. Bozhko, M.O. Markin, O.M. Markina, V.O. Marteniuk Experimental studies of the thermal regime of the premise while using hea:ng ceramic panels / Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 2023, 2(124) pp. 56-61 (SCOPUS) https://archivesmse.org/resources/html/article/details?id=619102
- Markina O., Markin M., Pryimak R. Application of spectral analysis of sound waves for detecting faults of internal combustion engines in cars. International scientific and technical journal “Measuring and computing equipment in technological processes”. 4, P. 97-107. URL: https://doi.org/10.31891/2219-9365-2024-80-12.