The main purpose of the CoLInS conference is to discuss the latest research results in all areas of natural language processing and intelligent systems.
We are pleased to announce that V CoLInS conference will be held in April 2021 in Kharkiv (Ukraine). The conference will be held annually. It will take the form of oral presentation by invited key speakers plus presentations of reviews of individual works. The student section of the conference will work in parallel with the main conference. We invite students and postgraduate students to participate in the CoLInS Student section. Documents accepted at CoLInS will be published in the conference materials. CoLInS is indexed in SCOPUS, DBLP, Google Academy.
CoLInS does not charge a conference fee.
Participation is free of charge.
On April 23-24, 2021, the 5th International Conference "Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems*
(CoLInS 2021) will be held in Kharkiv. Please note that the deadline for submission of documents is *March 1, 2021*. Documents can be submitted through Easy Chair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=colins2021) or on the conference website: http://colins.in.ua/call-for-paper/.
The conference will be held in Kyiv. Kharkiv (Ukraine) in the Scientific an
d Technical Library of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Po
lytechnic". Due to the current situation with COVID-19 in Ukraine, the fo
rmat of the conference is planned online. But if the epidemiol
ogical situation changes for the better and there are no trav
el restrictions, participants will be able to choose any of
these forms: *physical* using *Zoom* or *Skype* technology.